As a long time massage recipient for chronic back pain and migraines, Sandy became interested in training to become a massage therapist. After graduation from an extensive massage program in 2014, she opened a studio in Conshohocken where she has consistently seen clients from all walks of life with anywhere from a migraine to muscular dystrophy.

Sandy has been trained in many energetic modalities and types of massage including Thai Massage, Deep Tissue, Gua Sha, Mu Xing (hot bamboo), Pre-natal, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Sports Massage, Medical Massage, Reiki, Trigger Point Therapy, Active and Passive Release Techniques, and the tool box just keeps growing. Sandy’s passion for massage and bodywork keeps her wanting to learn more whenever she can. In fact, Sandy is currently enrolled as a nursing student and is a candidate for her RN designation in the summer of 2022.

Sandy’s designations:
LMT- Licensed Massage Therapist
CLT – Certified Lymphedema Therapist
TM-AC – Touch Medicine – Advanced Practitioner ( Medical Massage credential)