This week marks the opening of the Philadelphia School of Massage and Bodywork! This is a project that my co-founder Julia Bayardi & I have been dreaming of — and working on — for more than three years. But really, it’s been longer than that because we both were drawn to this profession early on in our careers.

In designing this school and outlining the curriculum, Julia & I have talked many times with each other and with our instructors about what makes a good massage therapist or bodyworker, and how each of this came to choose particular path for our own lives.

I know that you may now be wondering if this is the right career for you. And that’s the really most important question for you to answer before you look for a school. When think about your future, where do you see yourself fitting in best in our world of high tech? For me, the answer has been to work in the world of high touch.

During the next few weeks, I’ll be using this space to describe massage and bodywork as a career to you by telling you how our core instructors arrived at their own decisions to join Julia and me at PSMB. As you read about all of us, I would like you to look at what we have in common and, at the same time, take note of the interests and traits you share with us.

I think you’ll be intrigued by what you learn. Yes, we all have a strong commitment to health, nutrition, and healing, but we are also very individualistic in our approaches to our craft and to our clients. I’m sure you’ll enjoy getting to know us, and we look forward to meeting you.

In my next post, I’ll introduce our science instructor Karen Giglio, who is already active in our Blue Alchemy Healing Center.