Most massage clients know just how much better their achy lower back or stiff neck feels after a massage, but there are also benefits that go beyond treating muscle pain and tension. Here are the mental and emotional benefits you might experience during and after a session:


1. Massage can reduce anxiety.

While it’s no surprise that laying in a dark room with calming music for an hour will leave you feeling more relaxed, there’s some science behind why massage helps clients manage anxiety. People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder have an increased sympathetic nervous system response—think “fight or flight”—which contributes to that on-edge feeling. Massage counteracts this by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is your body’s way of calming you down.


2. You might feel less depressed after a massage.

In addition to calming your nervous system, a study from the International Journal of Neuroscience found massage decreased levels of cortisol while increasing dopamine levels by 31% and serotonin levels by 28%. The boost in feel-good hormones and the drop in stress hormones could make massage a powerful tool in a client’s larger depression treatment plan.


3. You’ll get a better night’s sleep.

Whether you’re suffering from chronic insomnia or occasional disrupted sleep patterns, massage can benefit you. Insufficient sleep is associated with numerous chronic diseases and conditions, from psychiatric disorders to lower back pain. Massage can help clients manage these conditions and as a result increase the quality of their sleep.